At this time, we are recruiting additional volunteer board members for the following positions:

Sponsorship Director
Legal Director
Fundraising Director

– Sponsorship Director:

Director to be in charge of seeking out sponsorships from within the business community in Milton. Director reports to and coordinates with the President of the board of directors. Must attend monthly board meetings. Candidates are not required to be musicians.

Chair description:

  • Coordinate execution of sponsorship contracts
  • Research local business/corporate prospects
  • Cultivate donor relationships through correspondence, including writing and sending thank-you letters for all corporate contributions
  • Draft sponsorship contracts
  • Obtain and send sponsor signatures and process all sponsorship contracts

Chair requirements:

  • At least 1 year of experience in non-profit development, fundraising, or related field
  • Excellent writing, organizational, and communication skills
  • Knowledge of local businesses, performing arts groups, and activities preferred
  • Genuine interest in enhancing the performing arts scene in Milton
  • Team-player with a good sense of humour and positive attitude a must!

– Legal Director:

Director to be in charge of advising board on all legal matters. Director reports to and coordinates with the President of the board of directors. Must attend monthly board meetings. Note: This position would suit a retired professional with interest in the performing arts. Candidates are not required to be musicians.

Chair description:

  • Proofread all legal documents (contracts, etc.)
  • Advise on all legal matters
  • Coordinate with other Directors in performance of their duties (sponsorship, guest performances, guest performers, Musicians, etc.)

Chair requirements:

  • Legal background with at least 5 years experience in the field
  • Experience in non-profit law an asset
  • Excellent writing, organizational, and communication skills
  • Genuine interest in enhancing the performing arts scene in Milton
  • Team-player with a good sense of humour and positive attitude a must!

– Fundraising Director:

Director to be in charge of all fundraising activities. Director reports to and coordinates with the President of the board of directors. Must attend monthly board meetings. Candidates are not required to be musicians.

Chair description:

  • Prepare and submit fundraising activity plans for the active season and potentially during the off-season, including at least one major event per season
  • Actively organize and carry out events and activities, with help from the Volunteer Coordinator
  • Coordinate with other Directors in performance of their duties (sponsorship, guest performances, guest performers, Musicians, etc.)

Chair requirements:

  • Fundraising background with at least 3 successful events executed within the past 5 years
  • Excellent writing, organizational, and communication skills
  • Genuine interest in enhancing the performing arts scene in Milton
  • Team-player with a good sense of humour and positive attitude a must!

Please use the form below to contact us regarding the positions available above.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Board Application’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Board position applying for:’ type=’select’ options=’Sponsorship Director,Law Director,’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]